Sunday, June 4, 2017


Exploring my Google Alerts this week led me to a blog post from a site called FluentU.  FluentU is actually a language immersion website which offers both individual and school/group subscriptions.  The site offers language learning in a variety of languages, including English, through the use of real world videos.  It seems like a fun and engaging site for language learning.  In addition, there are several free blogs that provide information about language learning and teaching.  The blog post from my Google Alert is titled "How to Use Technology to Effectively Transform Your ESL Classroom."  

This article focuses on technology integration in schools, and how this can be used to the advantage of English learners in our classrooms.  The author lists and describes six benefits of technology integration in English education.  These benefits are:
                1. Increases student engagement and motivation
                2. Offers mobility
                3. Teaches students valuable tools for the future
                4. Can be a time saver for teachers
                5. Promotes learner independence
                6. Provides students access to target culture
These all seem like great reasons for teachers to add more technology into their classrooms.

The post then goes on to highlight some useful technology tools for the classroom.  Of course, the FluentU site is highlighted, but the blog post is not only promoting its own product.  It also describes's Comic Maker, Current Events resources, Presentation Tools, Teacher Tools, and Virtual Field Trips.  

Finally, the author offers certain things to consider for technology integration.  It is important to acknowledge that technology can be misused, even in the classroom.  Teachers should be sure that students are clear on the school's acceptable use policy, and this should be given to them in their native language.  Parents and family members should also be included in this information.  The author also doesn't shy away from the fact that sometimes limited access to technology prevents classroom use.  Instead, ways to work around this situation are offered.

While I admit to being initially hesitant about this blog, because it is obviously attached to a product, I'm glad I gave it a chance.  I haven't taken the time to read any of the other posts yet, but with titles like "How to Teach 100 ESL Vocabulary Words in One Lesson", "What the Flip is a Flipped ESL Classroom?", and "6 Fun ESL Games for Your Shyest Students", I believe this is a valuable blog to follow.  I have added it to my Delicious social bookmarking page to refer to in the future. 


  1. Hey Amy,

    Great post! I'll have to add that blog to my list as well. My Google Alerts actually came up with nothing for me this week really, so I'll have to change my settings or wordings around some.

    I like how the blog post you read mentioned not only the benefits to technology, but also how it can be misused in the classroom. Plagiarism is one thing I have to deal with my cyber students every few months and I seem to conduct Online Rules and Management lessons every so often too. I can also see how if a student has parents that cannot navigate online very well, they actually tend to struggle themselves more than others. Providing more technical and online instruction to my student's parents is actually something I want to implement next year so they can be better helped at home.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post as I thought the article not only gave great knowledge about integrating technology but also some resources that were available to explore! This article seemed like a great one to share with colleagues at school to help them widen their opinions on technology and ESL.


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